- self(-)financing
- Инвестиционная деятельностьсамофинансированиекапиталовложения за счет части прибыли либо резервного фонда АО
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
self-financing — ˌself fiˈnancing also ˌself fiˈnanced adjective FINANCE a self financing business or system makes enough money to be developed further without borrowing money: • There are plans to restructure the company s operations by creating a new, self… … Financial and business terms
self-financing — adjective a self financing organization, business, etc. earns all the money it needs to pay its own costs … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
self-financing — /ˌself faɪ nænsɪŋ/ noun the financing of development costs, the purchase of capital assets, etc. by a company from its own resources ■ adjective ♦ the company is completely self financing the company finances its development costs, capital assets … Dictionary of banking and finance
self-financing — UK / US adjective a self financing organization, business etc earns all the money that it needs to pay its own costs … English dictionary
self-financing — adjective (of an organization or enterprise) having or generating enough income to finance itself. Derivatives self financed adjective … English new terms dictionary
self-financing — adj. that finances itself, esp. (of a project or undertaking) that pays for its own implementation or continuation. Derivatives: self finance v.tr … Useful english dictionary
self-financing — Denoting a company that is able to finance its capital expenditure from undistributed profits rather than by borrowing … Big dictionary of business and management
self-financing — With the ability to generate sufficient *money without the need for external *funding or * subsidies … Auditor's dictionary
financing — obtaining money resources. Businesses usually have to obtain finance at some time, either to go into business or expand operations. Glossary of Business Terms * * * financing fi‧nan‧cing [ˈfaɪnænsɪŋ ǁ fˈnænsɪŋ] noun [uncountable] BANKING the… … Financial and business terms
self-finance — v.t., self financed, self financing. * * * … Universalium
self-finance — v.t., self financed, self financing … Useful english dictionary